
"cherche pour l'instant"...

when the fabric of space-time is ripped from underneath; one must have the courage to jump into the unknown... courage in order 2 exit or exist... when in doubt or tribulation searching 4 that psr moment; (point of safe return) when feelings are so dense it feels like it can tear all the wonders of the universe in2 that void curbing space-time in2 that event horizon knowing the final destination is that singularity place were everything stops...

Tune in that void... why should this one life have less value than millions of others... allowing that empty feeling when actions rips your entities order... and everyone gone are counting on those who stayed... leaving everyone in route 2 awe... When you think you are safe is when you are most vulnerable... or perhaps is that odd feeling of never farther away than when you're standing right beside it...

2 retake the road in order 2 increase those healing capabilities and in a pristine moment become one with all masters in space...

If every atom in our body was once part of a star is easy 2 infer that we are all on our way back home... "cherche pour l'instant"...

Sunrise On Sat., Aug. 27, 2011, International Space Station Astronaut Ron Garan pointed an HD camera out a window of the Cupola to film one of the sixteen sunrises astronauts see each day. This sunrise image shows the rising sun as the International Space Station flew along a path between Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Buenos Aires, Argentina. Image Credit: NASA