

A dream unfolds… as I crawled hands and knees to reach my summit only to realize as I stared up onto the heavens there were mountain ranges above me… as above, so below…

Angels or monsters, heroes or villains in a world of dualities there is always a cause to an effect…

A hero must take risks and make sacrifices… and if we are made of elemental dust why do we behave in such mechanistic ways…

One may know the components to fix a machine… though it may take a different approach into mending a damaged being.

"How naive of me to think we have finally changed…
What if another shape is hiding in the heavens?

The purity of the circle has blinded us to see anything beyond it. In the same way the glare of the Sun prevents us from seeing the Stars. One must begin to look into the heavens with new eyes… which makes us the wanderers.

Strange the behavior of the wanderers… nothing but an optical illusion... caused by our movements in combination with theirs as we all revolve around the Sun...

Heliocentric movement makes way to that which is prefixed… The only thing to do is to displace the Sun from it's center… but not to have a center breaks my heart."

Who said Jesus entrusted his legacy to 12 men? …and I moved... further and further as they took my breath away.

If god/dess presence is in ones heart and once upon a time… then a time has come to incept this dream we call a life… as no one holds thee as close to heart when that gut feeling is borne. And as eternal travelers we are borne again and again with no further purpose than to increase our brilliance... benefiting the whole as we make our way back home.