
30 seconds 2 realization...

I could see death reflected on her glassy black eyes as I glanced at the occupied gurney on the elevator… the image speaks a thousand words and this one stuck to mind for a long and brief moment… as a oblation and at the speed of thought prajnaparamita Om! Salutation to the blessed and noble one! who has reached the other shore of the most excellent transcendence. ‘’tayata om gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha’’

“I will wait... ‘til next” I said to the orderly as elevator doors closed and she was moved to an upper floor and a higher realm.

And as it came, it went… above and below... through the sliver of opening doors I pierced at a new child borne on his first day out on earth… on this lifespan… again… samsara!

ever so grateful on a 30 seconds realization...

for the benefit of the whole...