
hidden in plain sight...

There is an implicit beauty in hidden path, both crude and soft;

with each premeditated step to truly see…

in life, in death, it merges with the fountain

on which in dynamics of time-space reflects;

onto a singularity moment where everything stops…

only to start again.

As the desert deprived meets that fountain of life;

humanity will strive to find its Divine flight.

As to one witness millions of races overwhelmed in fright or delight;

with origins implicit in itself; on a present-day basis.

I have seen the old and new cry… as portals gets closed and opened;

and remembrance of the once forgotten; hidden in plain sight.

Sightseeing on familiar site, to catch glimpse with humane perspective

the sliver of heaven on that which is unexpected.

Striving for truth, and with gentile touch

for that which is Divine in ones nature heart is light as feather.

And in flash of light, in dissolution part,

in final transition, this too shall pass…

pema nying je ®2015